Another busy week in Oak Class, our Emergency Emergency! topic focused on the Police. We have enjoyed ‘Officer George’ the sensory story and have acted out simple rescue scenarios as part of attention autism. We have created fingerprints using paint and made tracks with various sized police vehicles.
We have also had a ‘Police Party’ with small world characters and lots of blue and yellow tissue paper. We have explored blue and yellow shredded paper and coloured rice too!
My Cooking consisted of ‘fire wands’ focusing on our fine motor skills.
In PE the CSSP delivered an exploratory circuit, focused on the fundamental movement skills and we celebrated Mohmed’s birthday.
Our Asda shopping trips have continued, the boys now know where to find key items.

On Friday, we visited the Space Centre with a small group, the boys behaved impeccably on the taxi and in the centre! Well done!

We have also introduced teeth brushing as part of our afternoon routine, the boys have made lots of independence progress!