We have had a busy second week back this week and hope everyone is ready to ramp things up again next week as we properly get back into our full timetable of lessons!

On Monday morning we voted for our new class councillors. Clayton volunteered to be deputy and Lily and Katie both volunteered to be the main class councillor. To keep things fair it was taken to a vote, and everyone from class went outside of the classroom to cast their vote with Mrs Cobham. It was very close but the winner was Lily so Lily and Clayton will be 11G’s new school councillors this school year, congratulations to them both! 

In the afternoon we starting a new ASDAN module called Making the Most of Leisure Time. For this initial session we looked at the definition of what a leisure activity is, exploring what makes something a leisure activity as well as looking at lots of examples of these. Then pupils were asked to create their own poster containing leisure activities that they enjoy taking part in. It was really good to hear the pupil’s own ideas and reasons why they enjoy certain activities. 

On Tuesday morning, Mrs Fisher brought in the set of sample hoodies for everyone to try on and decide which size they would like to order for their leaver’s hoody. Please look out for a letter being sent home tonight regarding hoodies and how to order one.

The whole class walked over to Asda together, ate snack in the café and did our shopping. Group 2 chose to make salted caramel brownies for food tech this week so we purchased the ingredients that we needed to make them, whilst Group 1 chose some snack items for the week.

In the afternoon, the class split into two groups again. This week Group 2 went to Food Tech with Miss Smith and Miss Greenwood to bake brownies, whilst Group 1 stayed in class with Mrs Cobham and Mrs Fisher to focus on Life Skills and washing up.

Hopefully you will have all received the message from Mrs Fisher to inform you all that Ty will be moving to a new school soon. On Wednesday morning, one of Ty’s staff members from his new school came to visit him at Astley Park so we stayed in school and did PE on site instead of going to All Seasons Gym. Gym visits will resume next week.

The class voted to play dodgeball in the hall for our PE session. We had lots of fun playing together and even played staff VS pupils. Ty’s new staff member had fun too.

In the afternoon we continued our ICT work on the new class laptops. This week we were making our reward charts for the display in class. Everyone chose their own symbol that they would like to collect on their chart, then made the boxes for the chart on PowerPoint before adding their photo to each box.

On Thursday, we spent most of the day catching up with what everyone got up to over the holidays in more detail. Thank you so much to everyone who sent photographs and videos in for everyone to see. We took it in turns to sit or stand at the front of class, show our friends our photos and videos, then answer any questions that we were asked. When we were part of the audience, we used our coreboards to help us to think of questions to ask our friends about their holidays. This work will be continued when we begin weekend news next week and we will concentrate on the social aspect of speaking and listening with our friends. Mrs Fisher will send out a reminder but please could everyone share at least one photograph of something that their child has done this coming weekend with Mrs Fisher via email by Monday morning so this can be used for our weekend news work.

On Friday morning, Mrs Cobham and Miss Smith took a group of learners to visit Cardinal Newman College in Preston. Mr Murphy was in class with the remaining learners who were working on their ASDAN module of Technology in the Home and Community.

In the afternoon we had Golden Time as usual, followed by Celebration Assembly. Our Star of the Week this week is Ty! Ty has received some very big news this week about moving schools and he has coped with this news incredibly well. He has used his words to talk to his friends and staff about how he is feeling and explore his emotions too. Well done Ty!

Have a good weekend!

Mrs Fisher, Mrs Cobham, Miss Greenwood and Miss Smith