This week 8A was introduced to our new topic, “To Infinity and Beyond”.


We have looked very closely at the moon, and the learners used describing words to write a small poem about how the moon looks. There was some brilliant words used by the learners and some good sentence structures.


The learners also have looked at the eight planets in our solar system. We have looked at the planets names and we have even placed them in order from the nearest to the furthest from the sun. We enjoyed watching and listening to a video with a catchy tune, naming the planets. Staff have been humming this tune all week (specifically Miss Robertson). 


On Wednesday, it was 8As food technology activity and we decided, as our topic is Space, the learners would make ‘Moon Rock Buns’. They were really excited with this recipe.

The learners showed amazing turn taking and brilliant teamwork whilst measuring and mixing the ingredients together.

Hope you all enjoyed them at home! What did you rate them out of 10? The smell in our kitchen was yummy. 


8A also had a go at making a rocket out of a balloon, straws and tape. The learners did amazing at blowing the balloons up (pupils were very brave at this). They had to guess how far their balloon rocket would go. They were very competitive. When they let go of their balloon and the air came out, there were some funny noises in our class room!

The balloon rockets went all over the class room, in different directions. Good fun was had!


The learners also picked one of the 8 planets in our solar system to design and find out more facts about that planet. They started to draw and then colour their planets, and by using their iPad and accessing the internet, they found out different facts about the planet they chose.


Some of our learners used our new space station area. They put on their spacesuits and, with staffs helped, completed their first mission in the space station, matching words to pictures which are connected to Space. 


With Miss Troughton, the learners looked at how astronauts walked on the moon. We pretended to put on our equipment like the space suit, boots, helmet , gloves and not forgetting our oxygen tank on our backs. We walked around the classroom, stomping out feet slowly, just like an astronaut. 


Have a great weekend


From 8A team.