7A were extremely excited this morning about all the snow! Everyone came into school with big smiles and full of energy.

7A decided to use this opportunity to work on some of our safety skills and ALIs; learning about all the dangers and risks of the winter weather and how we can keep ourselves safe. 

We started the morning with some talk-time focussing on the winter weather and the importance of keeping ourselves safe by making careful choices. We looked at some pictures on the board and all shared our ideas and thoughts.
Next, we thought about games and activities that we were excited to play in the snow across the day.. we had lots of hands up and good listening to one another, which made the 7A teaching team very proud! 

We then set rules for each activity and game that was suggested. 7A agreed on different rules including: 

  • Snowballs could only be thrown when on the grass and at someone who has given their permission. 
  • Snowballs could only be thrown at others waist down as they could hurt if they hit someone’s face.
  • Snowmen could be build on our own or as a team and that we had to share the snow. 

We also spoke about how our snowmen might get moved and touched by others, or even melt, during the day and that this is okay.

7A were fantastic at following their own rules and we heard lots of amazing communication. We had lots of happy smiling faces playing together in the snow. 

Some of our 7A learners also decided to challenge themselves by working together to make a giant snowman - Astley Park teaching staff were very impressed! 

Well Done for a fantastic ‘Snow Day’, 7A!