The pupils of 8P have done lots of learning and fun activities this week. 

We enjoyed a walk to Tesco, where we split into two groups to buy the ingredients for cooking and items for snack. We followed our shopping lists really well, and took turns carrying the basket, choosing the correct grocery items and finally paying at the till. 

In our cooking lesson this week, we made pizzas with a variety of healthy toppings, and they all looked and smelt delicious. Some pupils took their pizza home and some ate them in class. 

During My Creativity, we carried on studying various dances through the decades, and this week we concentrated on the twist which was from the 1950’s. We all had lots of fun following the online video, and we also took part in the ‘tutti fruiti’ dance really well. 

We did lots of other interesting lessons throughout the week, such as maths, phonics and English . 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Ms Lea.