We’ve had another busy week in 10P!
On Monday most of us went to Asda in the morning to do some shopping for the week. Once we had bought all we needed we went to the cafe to buy ourselves some breakfast. This term we are starting some work experience placements so on Monday morning Sophia went to Busy Bodies nursery with Mrs Cobham to learn about working with pre-school children. In the afternoon we did some Maths work in class about different ways to read and write numbers i.e. one and 1.
On Tuesday morning we split into two groups and took turns making potato fritters in Food Tech with Mrs Price and Miss Carter and then doing some work with Mrs Cobham about . In the afternoon we had PE so we went to Chorley leisure centre and started learning how to play hockey in the sports hall.
On Wednesday morning we began learning about Christianity for World Religion Week. Mrs Cobham told us the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ and we talked about how we can show kindness to others. In the afternoon we had Science where we started to learn about forces beginning with push and pull. We split into two groups and discussed whether different actions were push, pull or both.
On Thursday morning we had our swimming lesson at Chorley leisure centre. In the afternoon to continue our work for World Religion Week we went to visit Eccleston Methodist Church. Frank and Sandra Riding, the stewards at the church, showed us round and talked to us about what people do when they come to church and why. We had a look at all the important features in the church and even got to sit at the organ and press the keys!
On Friday morning we had an online safety lesson where we talked about using apps and streaming services. We discussed the positives and negatives of these services, how they can help us and also what we need to do to use them safely. Then as a final look at Christianity we each designed a poster welcoming people to church, using all the information we learned this week about why people go to church and what is there.
In the afternoon we had a very special treat - 10P were chosen to be ‘Top Table’ this week so Mr Welsh came to join us for lunch! We all designed our own placemats and Mr Welsh served us tea, coffee and hot chocolate after we had eaten. It was so nice to sit down with Mr Welsh and have a relaxing chat with him in class. We even managed to persuade him to do celebration assembly from our classroom instead of his office as a one-off special! Our star of the week this week is everyone for being very respectful and enthusiastic at our church visit this week for World Religion Week - well done 10P!