14 Oct

India comes to Oak class

This week in Oak class we have been exploring India, we have painted flags using the colours of India’s flag,   We have made some lovely colourful Rangoli patterns using the numicon, and we’ve read the story ‘The runaway chapati’, using play dough to roll out our own chapati. We had a sensory…

2 Dec

Exploring environments

The children have been busy exploring different environments. Lots of climbing, riding, sliding, running and of course lots of great fun! 

2 Dec

Exploring environments

The children have been busy exploring different environments. Lots of climbing, riding, sliding, running and of course lots of great fun! 

19 Nov

Old McDonald had a farm at Beech class

Beech class has been singing ‘Old McDonald had a farm’ this week, we have looked at all of the animals, felt all of the different textures we might find on a farm, like straw, mud, hay and grass and pushed the tractors along in the soil.
The pigs on the farm had a slide into the mud, everyone…

19 Nov

Friendship week in Beech

The pictures say it all! Happy friendship week

5 Nov

Beech Class P.E and Balance bikes.

This week we have had a great P.E lesson supported by Chorley sports. We have also had Bike Ability helping us to learn to ride balance bikes- great fun!

5 Nov

Beech class celebrate Diwali and Bonfire night

Beech class has been looking at all of the colours for Diwali, we had a lovely sensory tray with lots of colourful sand and glitter. We made a glittery candle to celebrate the festival of light, and we had some Indian music and dancing on the screen to watch too. 
For Bonfire night we melted…

21 Oct

Beech class in black and white

Beech class have enjoyed exploring the black and white provision this week, some lovely mark making in the white sensory medium, looking at our black and white textured items and using chalk on black card.

We did an attention Autism with flour, making shapes and another using white shaving foam…

1 Oct

Beech class visit the outdoor court like the big boys and girls

Beech class went to play in the outdoor court to have a lovely run around, they enjoying throwing balls, twirling ribbons and pushing prams. It was great fun to run around with our friends and enjoy the freedom of the wind in our hair.

1 Oct

Beech class explore yellow

Beech class have enjoyed exploring yellow this week, watching the popcorn ‘pop’ and enjoying eating it. Lemons and a yellow pepper were explored, having a smell and taste of them, there was some amazing faces

17 Sep

Beech class make bread

Beech class enjoyed mixing the flour with water to create a dough, they stirred in the water with their spoon, then kneaded the dough, which they loved. We can’t wait for it to bake and eat it for our snack

17 Sep

Beech class make jam sandwiches

Beech class have been busy making jam sandwiches with the bread that they made, spreading the butter and jam. We enjoyed eating the jam sandwiches for our snack. Well done Beech class your jam sandwiches were yummy!