25 Sep

Beech's communication blog

This week we have had a busy week settling into our full days. We have been doing some fun sessions of 'what's in the box', we got very excited and engaged well, it was lovely to see. We enjoyed choosing  songs, our favourite this week  was, 'if your happy and you know it'. Some of us have been…

18 Sep

Beech Class Sensory regulation

Beech class have had an amazing week. We have been doing lots of sensory regulation. We bounced on the ball, used our sensory walk ways, jumped on the trampoline, crawled through a tunnel,  played on the scooter and used our cone to roll in. We also went for our first sensory walk around our…

11 Sep

Beech Class week 2 fun

Beech class have had another brilliant week, we have had lots of fun getting to know you  and seeing all your personalities shine. We have been very busy in our water tray, sensory areas, building, reading, singing and playing with cars. We have engaged in lots of playing and participated well at…

7 Sep

Beech Class first week in school

Beech class have had an amazing first week at school. They have been busy exploring the classroom, we have had lots of sensory exploring and even some good sitting for snack, WOW! Well done everyone in Beech we are very proud of how well you have settled in. 

Mrs Barrand, Miss Holden, Mrs…

14 Aug

Sunny week for Group 4 in week 3!

It has been a very hot week this week! We have spent lots of time outside enjoying ourselves and playing with our favourite toys! 

We have also taken part in some of the Astley Park Challenges too! 

As a special treat we also had some ice lollies! It has been a fab week! 

7 Aug

Summer School: Group 4 - Week 2

We have had lots of fun at summer school this week with group 4. 

Miss Cross, Miss Robertson, Mr Aindow and Mrs Simpson have had lots of fun with Lottie, Harry, Isla, Harrison, George, Sean, Austin, Jacob, Harvey, Ruby, William, Teddy and Daniel.

On Monday we had fun exploring outside and…

7 Aug

Busy in Beech Classroom - Summer School Week 2 Group 3

Wow! We’ve had another great week at summer school. In Beech Classroom at the beginning of the week, we worked with some of our explorers and explored the bear hunt story in the outdoor environment, and had fun making Incy Windy Spiders in our my creativity sessions. Towards the end of the week,…

31 Jul

Fun in the sun for group 6 at summer school ☀️

We have had a wonderful week with group 6 at summer school. The weather has mostly been great so we have spent lots of time outside with our friends, played games, enjoyed yoga and dancing, done painting and enjoyed catching up with friends that we haven’t seen for a long time! We can’t wait for…

13 Jul

Beech class-learning about insects


In school this week Beech class had lots of fun this week. We have been singing lots of insect songs like Incy Wincy spider and reading stories about the hungry caterpillar and other insects. We made some wiggly caterpillars from egg boxes , painted some pebbles like ladybirds and did some…

6 Jul

Beech class zoo week


Beech class have done some fantastic learning this week. We have been reading "The tiger who came to tea" and "Dear zoo" stories that have made for some fantastic role play later. We have explored natural objects and used them to create a tiger picture. We have had some zebra and tiger…

29 Jun

Beech Class sports week

Beech class have had an amazing sports week. Lots of children have achieved awards in our six star challenge, well done everyone. At school we did each of the challenges set each day, bubble pop, balloons and crazy golf were some of our favourites. We have taken part in lots of physical activities…

22 Jun

Beech Class Zoo week

This week in school we have been learning about zoo animals. We have fed food to a snake, matched patterns to animals, painted animals, played with animals in straw, sang songs, made elephant biscuits and read the Dear Zoo story. We have explored animals that live in the cold including melting…