5 Nov

Sporty 10G

WOW! It's only our first week back after half term and what a busy week we've had.

This week we have been to All Seasons Leisure Centre for our P.E session. This half term we are learning basketball skills. We thoroughly enjoyed our session and had lots of fun playing games, such as 'Monster…

5 Nov

A Multitude of Celebrations in Oak Class

It's been a super busy first week back in Oak Class!

At the beginning of the week we welcomed a new friend into our class and he has had a fun week making new friends.

With Miss Hothersall we spent 3 days exploring bonfire night, we engaged in a sensory story about Bonfire Night we banged…

5 Nov

Beech Class P.E and Balance bikes.

This week we have had a great P.E lesson supported by Chorley sports. We have also had Bike Ability helping us to learn to ride balance bikes- great fun!

5 Nov

7P Celebrate Diwali and Bonfire Night

7P have settled in very well after their half term holidays. It was great to talk about what they had all been up to and look at pictures too!

This week 7P have been learning about Diwali through My Thinking and Problem Solving and My Communication. Learners in 7P have shown that they can…

5 Nov

Beech class celebrate Diwali and Bonfire night

Beech class has been looking at all of the colours for Diwali, we had a lovely sensory tray with lots of colourful sand and glitter. We made a glittery candle to celebrate the festival of light, and we had some Indian music and dancing on the screen to watch too. 
For Bonfire night we melted…

5 Nov

10R Star of the Week - November 5th

Congratulations to this weeks Star of the week in 10R 

Our super star has been learning to crochet and has used this new skill to help him regulate during the day. 

We are super proud of you! 

5 Nov

Boom Boom Bang, Maple Class Celebrate Bonfire Night!

Today has been all about fireworks and bonfire night! For attention autism Miss Howarth had party poppers and toys that flew into the air like fireworks. In stage 2 Miss Howarth popped balloons filled with paint, it got very messy and Miss Howarth also got it all over her glasses! It was very…

4 Nov

11G Finding out about Diwali

Today 11G found out lots of new information about Diwali.
We looked at power points and had fun using the internet to help us find the answers to Miss Robertson question sheet.  We looked at rangoli patterns and made some of our own…..great fun. 

Elephants are an important symbol in…

4 Nov

Crafting our Values with Victoria Hough

Victoria Hough is an artist who specialises in working with groups of children to create exciting pieces of art. We invited her into Astley Park School to help us create a masterpiece to incorporate our new school values of Kindness, Respect, Honesty, Positivity and Teamwork. Victoria worked with…

4 Nov

Celebrating Divali in Willow class

Today in Willow class we were learning all about Divali! We looked at what Divali actually means- what is it and how is it celebrated? The children enjoyed talking about the special celebration and ways it is celebrated using special food, music, decorations and lights. Some of the children drew…

4 Nov

Celebrating Diwali in Maple Class

Today in Maple Class we have been celebrating Diwali. 

This morning Miss Howarth did a Diwali themed attention autism. In the bucket were a few light up objects to celebrate the festival of light and an Indian doll. 
For stage 2 Miss Howarth used different coloured rice and made a rangoli…

4 Nov

Willow Class explore black history month and Notting hill carnival!

In October Willow Class learnt about why we have black history month, celebrating the achievements of black men and women. We have had lots of good conversation about wrong it would be to be be treated differently for how you look or where you come from with learners relating this to our own class…