12 Feb

Learning together 12/2/2 11G

A fabulous final week for 11G before we break up for a well deserved rest over half term. 

Lots of wonderful fun activities this week including keep fit sessions with Joe Wicks, exhausting but really great fun..and then a great Trepak and Russian dancing session using bouncy balls in time to…

9 Feb

11G Safer Internet Day - February 2021

Well Done 11G in taking part in Internet Safety Day. We first of all discussed what we use the internet for; most us use it for games, listening to music or watching our favourite programmes. Under the heading internet safety, we then choose 6 pictures or photographs from the internet, and…

8 Feb

100 laps for Captain Sir Tom Moore

Over the next week pupils and staff at Astley Park will be attempting to walk a total of 100 laps of the school track or if learning from home around their local area or gardens in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore who became the nation’s hero last spring after raising more than £32m for the NHS…

6 Feb

11G learning and fun 6/2/21

This week 11G have been continuing with looking at Rainforest habitats and to do this we first of all used shoe boxes and painted them brown on the outside then green on the inside. We had lots of fun doing this and there was quite a bit of paint to be cleaned up afterwards. 
We will carry on…

5 Feb

Astley Park School reaches for the stars

Wow! What super stars you have all been this week. I have loved seeing all the pictures of you doing an amazing job with each challenge I have set everyone. This weeks challenges were: to do the recycling, go for a walk everyday, count out how many press ups you can do in a minute, use a map and…

29 Jan

11G learning is fun

It has been yet another week of fun filled learning for the pupils of 11G both at home and in class.

We have done lots of maths this week continuing to explore measuring and weighing by using a variety of tools including a metre rule, weighing scales, string and we also weighed heaviest and…

29 Jan

Week 3 of our 6 Star Challenge Superstars

Wow. What superstars you all are. We have had another amazing week of lots of you doing the 6 Star Challenge. You all did amazing with ski jumps, drinking lots of water, brushing and mopping your floors at home, finding heavy and light objects around the house, reading and writing or drawing your…

23 Jan

World Religion week 11G 23/1/21

11G have had a great week celebrating world religion week alongside lots of other fun activities and lessons. 
We took part in helping to make a Bollywood dancing video which was then uploaded and put on YouTube, if you haven’t seen it yet it’s well worth watching. We watched the completed video…

22 Jan

World Religion Week - 6 Star Challenge

We hope everybody has had lots of fun learning about their class religion in our World Religion Week activities.


This week we have had lots of photos and videos shared with us of everybody at Astley Park completing our very special World Religion Week Six Star Challenge. Your teachers and…

16 Jan

11G Habitats 16/1/21

Hi everyone, lovely to see some of you during last weeks class video call, both home learners and class learners are working really hard and beginning to learn lots about animals and their different habitats. 

In class last week we had a fun attention autism session where we played with wind…

8 Jan

11G Happy new year 8/1/21

Happy New Year everyone...let’s hope 2021 is filled with happiness and fun.

For those of us back in class we have been doing lots of great activities, we have been working hard during our maths and English sessions and today we began a new Science topic looking at animals and their…

17 Dec

11G Christmas blog

What a fabulous final week we have had before the start of our Christmas break. 
As a class we have done so many activities over the week and had so much fun. We used rolling pins to roll out dough before we cut out gingerbread men, we had great fun once they were cooked, decorating them and…