17 Oct

Week 7 9A

Last week in school, we are all ready for a rest after a busy half-term. 

On Monday morning the learners started to create their own Kahoot! Quiz about the things they have learnt over the last half term. In My Thinking and Problem Solving we played a game to work on our number value and…

11 Oct

Week 6 in 9A

Another busy week in 9A!! 
On Monday morning we looked at some leaflets and started doing our own research to design a holiday leaflet to a different planet. We found out some very interesting facts to help persuade people to visit. In the afternoon we talked about rockets and Miss Bentham said…

6 Oct

Week 5 in 9A

We have been very creative in 9A this week. On Monday we made some paper rockets to add to our space display in class. In the afternoon we started our research on Katherine Johnson ready for writing our biographies. On Tuesday morning we had a walk around Haigh hall and had a look at the walled…

29 Sep

Fun times and MacMillan Coffee Morning in 9A

9A have been learning to work on our independence skills by using the work stations again. We are gaining more confident at this and making our teachers proud. We have continued to explore To Infinity and Beyond and have looked at the story and film of Hidden Figures and the life of Neil…

29 Sep

Jeans for Genes Day 2023

On Friday children and staff were invited to wear jeans or blue clothing to help raise awareness and funding for  genetic conditions. Classes all across school engaged in ways meaningful to them, from Jean based crafts and sensory stories, coloured themed Attention Autism to circle time…

29 Sep

Astley Park have been Smashing Stereotypes!


This week classes at Astley Park have been focussing on smashing stereotypes. Stereotypes restrict the ways in which we see ourselves, others and the world around us. They make us jump to conclusions, which can stop us from getting an accurate picture.  We have been learning…

22 Sep

9A To Infinity and Beyond.

9A continue to work hard on their termly topic To Infinity and Beyond. This week we  have completed our planets to make our own solar system. We have had lots of compliments on our final display. We made model rockets and aliens in My Creativity. This lead to a discussion about whether aliens…

15 Sep

9A Goes Bananas

We have had another fantastic week in 9A this week. On Monday we painted our papier-mâché  planets and they are looking great. Tuesday we went on a wet walk through the woods at Haigh hall where all the pupils loved looking out for woodland creatures and exploring. On Wednesday we had our first…

8 Sep

Welcome to 9A

Welcome to 9A. We hope you’ve all had a restful break and enjoyed some family time together. The sun has started to shine just in time for our return to school. We’ve begun our community visits this week. We have visited Haigh Hall and had a great time on the play area. Our learners have…

21 Jul

9A Chorley in Bloom

9A attended a trip with Mrs Tolan, Miss Buck, Mrs McShane and Miss Howarth on Tuesday! 
We enjoyed prepping the gardens for the competition by: 

- weeding 

- collecting vegetables to take back to school with us 

- watering the plants 


We then went to the park to attend a buffet…

21 Jul

9A Teddy’s ice cream van work experience!

Today, Teddy had a fantastic time performing work experience in the ice cream van that visited school for the end of the school year. He did an amazing job and followed instructions well. 

He learnt how to: 

- dispense ice cream out of the machine (with support) 

- put sherbet or…

14 Jul

9A Farm trip

On Wednesday this week, we went on our end of term trip to the farm! 
We had an absolutely fantastic time.

We did lots of activities including: 

- pets corner (holding small animals and petting larger animals) 

- calves feeding 

- visiting the other animals and feeding them 
