Willow class trip to the Mosque
Last Monday, Willlow class went on a trip to the Mosque. We enjoyed looking in the Mosque, listening to a call to prayer and learning about why Muslims go to Mosque. We learned some new words and looked at Arabic letters. We also learned lots of things about Muslim families as we have been…

Ciao from 9R
On Friday we celebrated Italy day in school.
We had a non uniform day and some of 9R came dressed in red, white or green.
We tried Caprese Salad - mozzarella cheese, tomatoes and fresh basil, Michael noticed that it was green, white and red like the Italian flag. The classroom…

10R say ‘Grazie’.
Today school had an Italian themed day. 10R started the day with using google translate to learn some simple phrases in Italian and share them with the rest of the group. Next our food technology lesson stayed with the theme and we made pizzas from scratch with home made bases. During golden time…

Fun in 10G this week
Wow what a week we’ve had!
Lots of work- measuring in maths- we have listened to stories, and had a go at finishing sentences, and creating our own stories in English.
In ICT we discussed online safety and looked at our school ‘whisper’ which is accessed through our school website.

Sycamore enjoy a Gelato
We have had a wonderful day in Sycamore exploring Italy
It was lovely to see everyone wearing red, green or white.
This morning we have been learning about Leonardo da Vinci. We found out that Leonardo da Vinci lives in Italy and is famous because of his artwork. We learned that…

Beech class exploring Italy
Beech class have had a very exciting day exploring Italy through sensory mediums. We enjoyed a dance to some Italian music, enjoyed watching Mrs Banks creat the Italian flag with lots of different Italian foods and then we had a great time exploring the flag with our hands, eyes, nose and mouths.…

Food, Glorious Food - 7R
Welcome back and a Happy New Year!
7R have lots to look forward to this term. Our new theme is "Food, Glorious, Food".
Communication, Language and Literacy
In our "Communication, Language and Literacy" lessons we will be exploring the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald…