18 Feb

Mental Health & Wellbeing Week & Safer Internet Day

In the final week before half term, Oak Class focused on mental health and wellbeing. We explored feelings through song, drama and attention autism. Some pupils were able to correctly label their own emotions and the emotions of others! Our sensory story was ‘The Colour Monster’ we created a…

11 Feb

8P investigate tooth decay

As part of our Brilliant Bodies topic, 8P have been learning about how to look after our teeth and avoid tooth decay. We used the Human Body app to digitally explore the effects of different foods and drinks on teeth. Using the app we found that we could use the toothbrush to brush away food and…

11 Feb

Food, Glorious Food in 8P!

This half term 8P have been learning about healthy eating, including identifying the main food groups and what these foods do for our bodies. We have enjoyed tasting some different fruits and vegetables, such as mango, lychees and pomegranate. We also sorted the foods into their groups and…

3 Feb

7P in Spring 1

7P have had such a busy half term! See below our pictures from world religion week, Chinese New Year and what we have been up to in the last few weeks!

We have got decorations for the valentines disco, practised our crossing the road skills going to the cafe and making healthy choices by…

27 Jan

9A celebrating Chinese New Year

This week, the school has been celebrating Chinese New Year and this year it’s the year of the Rabbit. 

The class watched a PowerPoint on how the Chinese signs were created. After they had watched the slides, they made their own Chinese rabbit using paint, card and wax crayon. As well, the…

27 Jan

Sycamore celebrates Chinese New Year

What a very exciting day! Sycamore enjoyed an Attention Autism session, we all sat together and helped Miss Molloy as she began to create a rabbit with red and orange paint it was very messy and fun! We then talked about why Miss Molloy made a rabbit and we found out that the Chinese New Year is…

27 Jan

Sycamore explore Doctors and Dentist

As part of our people who help us topic this week Sycamore have been exploring Doctors and Dentist and how they help us.

We have had great fun looking at our bodies and it was very funny when we used our labels to place them on Mr Flavell, we were great at knowing our body parts. We have looked…

26 Jan

Willow learn about Sikhism for World Religion Week!

Last week was World Religion Week in school and Willow class got to learn about Sikhism alongside their daily learning and curriculum activities. 

On Monday, we explored different foods popular in the Sikhism culture, using our senses. 

On Wednesday we cooked special recipes that are popular…

26 Jan

Sycamore explore Sikhism

Sycamore class have been exploring Sikhism. We really enjoyed exploring The 5 Ks during our continuous provision play. We explored some beautiful fabrics, bracelets and clothing and we really enjoyed the pictures of Gurus and the temple


16 Jan

World Religion Week in Oak Class

This week we have focused our learning around the Islamic faith as part of our World Religion celebrations!

On Monday, our topic was introduced through attention autism, we enjoyed dressing up during stage 3 in traditional clothes. We also explored frozen fruit as a media for painting, we chose…

16 Jan

Sycamores class make their own pizza

This week Sycamore have been really busy creating their own pizza.

We used the food tech room, we each had our own recipe book which told us what we would need and how to make our pizza.

We each used our recipe to collect the ingredients and which tools we would need, we did lots of great…

13 Jan

Sycamore class ~People who help us

Sycamore class are learning about people help us. This week we have been looking at nurses and doctors and how they can help us when we are feeling poorly. 
As a class we looked at the doctors case and what tools were inside, some of the class could tell us the names of the items like stethoscope…