Welcome back to Autumn 2 - this will be a long term with lots of exciting things happening along the way, leading up to Christmas! As I forgot to publish the blog at the end of last term, some of the photos are of our last week in term 1 - apologies!
The week started off with us making some Halloween decorations for the disco on Tuesday. We used paper crafts to make pumpkins and paper chains which will be used to decorate the hall. We then continued with our maths topic of number, looking at word problems for addition and subtraction, and multiplication. On Monday afternoon we continued with My Creativity, making some great toilet roll tube Halloween characters!
Tuesday saw us researching Diwali. We used our iPads to create mind maps of why different religions celebrate Diwali, what the festival of light means and how people celebrate. We continued with our number work in maths and then put these skills into practise in the afternoon when we went to Asda to do our weekly shopping.
On Wednesday we made greetings cards that we could give to someone who was celebrating Diwali. Over the day, we also went for our career interviews to talk about what we wanted to do after Astley Park and what jobs we might be interested in doing when we were older! There were some interesting ideas floating about but everyone came back more positive about what the future holds! In the afternoon, we used our iPads to look at places in the local community where we would like to spend our leisure time. We may even get to visit some of them over the coming weeks!
Thursday morning saw us in the food tech room making 'healthy chicken coconut curry'. We followed the recipe, used lots of different cooking skills and it was a hit. 7 people tried it and there were 7 thumbs up at the end! I can say, it was delicious and will definitely be something I make for my own children at home - I hope that families enjoyed it just as much (if you got to try it!!). In the afternoon we went to All Seasons gym. To say we were impressed by the effort of everyone would be an understatement! We used the treadmills, bikes, rowing machines and cross trainers. Everyone was happy (and a little bit sweaty) when we had finished!
Friday morning saw us return to our work experience around school. We were happy to get back to our primary classes and get stuck in with the day. Those of us who work on the site for our work experience will hopefully have an exciting project coming up, so watch this space. After break we carried on learning about Diwali, by making our own rangoli patterns using salt that we had coloured using paint. The patterns were lovely - and the tidy up afterwards wasn't so bad! After lunch we had Golden Time and celebration assembly. Our star of the week this week is Grace, for putting in 100% effort at our first visit to the gym. Well done Grace!