10A - Spring 1 Week 6 - W/B 10.02.25
What a busy half term we have had. Well done 10A you have worked super hard.
On Monday morning we did Maths and after break we did an English quiz. We all worked independently and quietly.
In the afternoon some of us went to Tesco to buy our breakfast things. We walked to Tesco and we…

10A - Spring 1 Week 5 - W/B 03.02.25
This week has been mental health week the theme was know yourself, grow yourself.
we have had a lovely week this week in 10A.
On Monday some of us went to Tesco on a community visit while the rest of us looked at some maths quizzes. In the afternoon we looked at picture news and looked at…
10A - Spring 1 Week 4 - W/B 27.01.25
This week in maths we have continued with working on the four operations, focusing on division Some of us have learnt what sharing is, how to use physical resources to help us share and also how to use factors to divide large numbers by 2-digit numbers!
In Picture News on Monday, the question…
KS3/4 Valentine's Disco 2025 to raise money for Year 11 prom
Year 11 have organised the Valentine's Disco again this year to raise funds for the Year 11 prom this summer.
All pupils from Key Stage 3 and 4 (Years 7-11) are invited to attend. All pupils must be accompanied by an adult.
The disco will take place on Thursday 13th February from 5pm-7pm in…
10A - Spring 1 Week 3 - W/B 20.01.25
In maths this week, we have continued with developing our understanding of the four operations and using these in different contexts. Some of us have been writing number sentences using the times symbol, some of use have been using picture representations to solve larger problems and some of us…
10A - Spring 1 Week 2 - W/B 13.01.25
This week started with Picture News again. This week we had to think answer the question 'Should you be allowed to build homes anywhere?'. We talked about what it would be like if people started to build houses in the middle of the track or in the middle of Astley Park. We also thought about what…
10A - Spring 1 Week 1 - W/B 06.01.2025
Welcome back to Spring term 1 - if we thought last term was busy, we have another thing coming this term!
This week started with Picture News. This week starts the annual Birdwatch, ran by the RSPB. We looked at what the Birdwatch involves and thought about why it is important to track bird…

10A - Bendrigg & Autumn 2 Week 8 - W/B 16.12.24
This week we have been celebrating the count down to Christmas, starting with our production on Monday. It was a fantastic display of all the talents we have in school. 10A really stepped up this year, taking on some of the roles of running the show, including being narrators, judges, props,…

The Secondary Phase enjoy Dick Whittington! Oh yes they did!
A huge thank you to Initiate Theatre for their fantastic performance of Dick Whittington this afternoon. Key Stage 3 and 4 Classes had a great time!

10A day 3 at Bendrigg
Today we completed a 5km walk for our DofE expedition. We all took it in turns to read the map and navigate the way and we had a turn being the group leader. The group leaders job was to make sure everyone stayed together, at the start of the walk, Miss Bentham gave us all a number, so when we…

10A day 2 at Bendrigg
Today, we have had another great day at Bendrigg, we went canoeing and made our own tea on a camping stove.
We’ve had a brilliant day, and we will share all of our photos and experiences next week, during sharing our learning. We are so proud of everyone for following our trip motto “Give it a go…

10A’s first day at Bendrigg
10A have had a great first day at Bendrigg. When we arrived we all enjoyed a jacket potato lunch. After lunch we walked around the grounds, and our guide Holly and Claire showed us around the grounds. Holly and Claire showed us how to use the Trangia’s and we all enjoyed a hot drink with the water…