10A - Spring 1 Week 6 - W/B 10.02.25
What a busy half term we have had. Well done 10A you have worked super hard.
On Monday morning we did Maths and after break we did an English quiz. We all worked independently and quietly.
In the afternoon some of us went to Tesco to buy our breakfast things. We walked to Tesco and we…

10A - Spring 1 Week 5 - W/B 03.02.25
This week has been mental health week the theme was know yourself, grow yourself.
we have had a lovely week this week in 10A.
On Monday some of us went to Tesco on a community visit while the rest of us looked at some maths quizzes. In the afternoon we looked at picture news and looked at…
10A - Spring 1 Week 4 - W/B 27.01.25
This week in maths we have continued with working on the four operations, focusing on division Some of us have learnt what sharing is, how to use physical resources to help us share and also how to use factors to divide large numbers by 2-digit numbers!
In Picture News on Monday, the question…
10A - Spring 1 Week 3 - W/B 20.01.25
In maths this week, we have continued with developing our understanding of the four operations and using these in different contexts. Some of us have been writing number sentences using the times symbol, some of use have been using picture representations to solve larger problems and some of us…
10A - Spring 1 Week 2 - W/B 13.01.25
This week started with Picture News again. This week we had to think answer the question 'Should you be allowed to build homes anywhere?'. We talked about what it would be like if people started to build houses in the middle of the track or in the middle of Astley Park. We also thought about what…
10A - Spring 1 Week 1 - W/B 06.01.2025
Welcome back to Spring term 1 - if we thought last term was busy, we have another thing coming this term!
This week started with Picture News. This week starts the annual Birdwatch, ran by the RSPB. We looked at what the Birdwatch involves and thought about why it is important to track bird…

10A - Bendrigg & Autumn 2 Week 8 - W/B 16.12.24
This week we have been celebrating the count down to Christmas, starting with our production on Monday. It was a fantastic display of all the talents we have in school. 10A really stepped up this year, taking on some of the roles of running the show, including being narrators, judges, props,…
10A Autumn 2 Week 4 & 5 - W/B 18.11.24 & 25.11.24
Monday 18th - Today we had our first look at picture news. We had a look at an ancient city that has been discovered in the jungle in Mexico. We all found it really interesting, we then went on to have a look at other big discoveries through history and how they impacted the world. In the…
10A Autumn 2 Week 3 - W/B 11.11.24
On Monday morning we learnt about Remembrance Day. We talked about why we commemorate Remembrance Day and what happens on each year on the 11th November. We then went down to the cage at 11 o'clock to listen to Mrs Chaloner playing the Last Post on her trumpet. The whole class were very…
10A Autumn 2 Week 2 - W/B 08.11.24
This week saw some of us continuing with addition and subtraction in maths, looking at how to break down word problems so solve the questions. Some of us worked on multiplication and division, using written methods to find the answers.
In English, we have been writing letters to local garden…

10A Autumn 2 Week 1 - W/B 28.10.24
Welcome back to Autumn 2 - this will be a long term with lots of exciting things happening along the way, leading up to Christmas! As I forgot to publish the blog at the end of last term, some of the photos are of our last week in term 1 - apologies!
The week started off with us making some…
10A Week 6 - W/B 07.10.24
This week in English, we thought of a place we would like to visit on holiday and created a word bank to describe it. We then used these words to tell our families about our holiday on a postcard. We had to be sure to not write too much, as postcards aren't very big, but I think we all got across…