11 Nov

9A Autumn 2, Week 2

9A have had a brilliant week! 


In My Communication this week, the pupils have been learning more about adjectives (describing words). They have practised making sentences using adjectives. Some pupils used a book creator to place the missing adjectives into the sentences and some pupils…

4 Nov

9A Autumn 2, Week 1

We’ve had a great first week back in 9A! 

We’ve not been out into the community this week but should be able to start our visits again next week. 


In My Communication lessons this week, we have been learning about adjectives. Adjectives are describing words. We’ve been practising…

20 Oct

9A - Autumn 1, Week 7

 This week in 9A we have linked a lot of our learning to Halloween! 

During our My Communication lessons this week, we’ve learnt about how to identify nouns - people, places, things and animals. We’ve mainly focused on words linked to Halloween and identifying nouns in passages about…

14 Oct

9A - Week 6

We’ve had a great week in 9A!  


In our My Communication lessons, we have been learning about nouns this week. We have practised sorting them into people, places, things and animals, using nouns from the texts we’ve been studying – “Meg and Mog” and passages from the Harry Potter franchise.…