11 Mar

11R tackle division

11R have been working hard today solving problems using division. 

We played games and divided our Holi rice we made from previous lessons into equal amounts. 

We discussed practical ways to overcome problems of sums we can’t do mentally or without counters and considered what we would…

6 Mar


We read the story of The Wizard of Oz. We focused on the story of the lion and learned about courage. We had a class discussion about times we need courage and what helps us get through.


some pupils identified that the lion didn’t drink a magic potion to have courage. The potion was a…

28 Feb

Embracing pancakes the savoury way

In food technology today we made savoury pancakes. 

Pupils researched their recipes in ICT yesterday and sent me shopping for the ingredients. They then followed their plans and instructions from yesterday to make their pancake today.


Then general consensus was they were…

28 Feb

Chorley In Bloom Awards

What a great and successful night we had at the Chorley in Bloom awards!


Pupils were a real credit to themselves and school last night when we attended the annual Chorley in Bloom awards. They sat for a prolonged period of time with no moans or groans and were able to happily accept awards…

24 Feb

Recycle 4 School so far...

Well done everyone!


We have a full box! This is being collected on Monday 2nd March. We have done loads better this year than previous so as well as thanking you, I’d like to challenge you all...


Can we make it 2 full boxes before Easter break? 

That’s six weeks to get…

11 Feb

11R Safer Internet Day

Today we have celebrated all things internet.


Our class Digital Leader stood spot light and delivered his lesson to his peers. Our digital leader has made massive progress with his social communications through this project and taught and supported his peers in making good choices when…

6 Feb

11R Litter Picking in Astley Park

Today for Chorley in Bloom, we headed down to Astley Park and picked up litter. To our surprise there wasn’t that much to be collected. 

The sun was out and it was gorgeous to be outside. We admired the snowdrops school pupils from Astley Park planted several years…

4 Feb

11R Urge public not to feed the pigeons

11R were tasked in making the public aware that feeding the pigeons at our Chorley in Bloom site, opposite McDonalds is causing more harm than good.


The site was started as a community edible garden and due to people feeding the bird the crop was being damaged and contaminated so that it…

28 Jan

11R Valentine's Day Pillow Enterprise

11R have been learning how to sew this term. We have hand sewn and now managed to master a sewing machine (supported). Pupils have made the cushions seen in the images, these are filled with lavender and love heart sweets. We are now planning on selling them for £1.50 from 3rd February - 14th…

27 Jan

KS4 work with Lancashire Community Police on Online Safety

KS4 classes worked with our local PCSO today discussing how we can stay safe online. We watched videos and compared what we do in person to what we do online. 

The aim of this workshop is to help pupils learn what to question when accessing the internet. To better prepare themselves when…

23 Jan

11R Get back to Chorley In Bloom

This morning we made our hot chocolates in our flasks and heading up to All Seasons we our garden nursery is located.


We planted beetroot, broad beans, trees and put a netting over the bedding planters to keep the seeded areas safe.


We discussed what our plans are for the next few…

22 Jan

11R Recycle 4 School

The box has arrived! 

11R have made a great start to sorting out your generous donations so far! 

Thank you very much if you have sent items in. Please keep the donations coming!