30 Nov

10G Celebrate St Andrew's Day

Today we celebrated St Andrew’s Day in class. We learnt all about who St Andrew was and why he was so important. We also talked about how St Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland and had a look at what the Scottish flag looks like. We enjoyed exploring the continuous provision activities around…

24 Nov

St Andrew’s Day Celebrations at Astley Park School!

On Tuesday 30th November, we will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day in classes. Some classes will be celebrating this through sensory play with water, some will be focusing on the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, whilst others while be exploring the life of St Andrew using information…

23 Nov

10G Run, run as fast as you can!

10G had a very busy week last week. We loved reading The Gingerbread Man story as part of our Functional English work and we had fun joining in with the repeated rhyme. We got a little messy as part of our Attention Autism session but showed very good listening and found the mess very funny! Our…

19 Nov

10G Friendship Fun Week

Friendship Fun in 10G 

Today we focused on one of our school values - Kindness.

At breaktime Miss Linde had her kindness spotters out and was looking for those learners in 10G that are kind to their friends by playing with them, including them and having fun with them. 

We played lots of…

10 Nov

10G’s Busy Day

10G have had a busy, but fantastic day today, we were very excited to join in with Children in Need and we saw some lovely Pudsey clothes and accessories around school. We had double celebrations is class today as Miss McPartlin celebrated her birthday with some yummy cake! 

Charlie did a…

5 Nov

Sporty 10G

WOW! It's only our first week back after half term and what a busy week we've had.

This week we have been to All Seasons Leisure Centre for our P.E session. This half term we are learning basketball skills. We thoroughly enjoyed our session and had lots of fun playing games, such as 'Monster…

4 Nov

Crafting our Values with Victoria Hough

Victoria Hough is an artist who specialises in working with groups of children to create exciting pieces of art. We invited her into Astley Park School to help us create a masterpiece to incorporate our new school values of Kindness, Respect, Honesty, Positivity and Teamwork. Victoria worked with…

21 Oct

10G Get Spooky

This week in 10G we have embraced Halloween. We had so much fun designing our own scary pumpkin faces. We used our colouring, cutting and sticking skills and even had a go at using PlayDoh to design a scary face.


At Astley Park we had our very own pumpkin patch and some of us went there to…

21 Oct

Halloween Pumpkin Competition

Congratulations to Class 7P who are the winners of our Halloween Pumpkin competition.  Mr Welsh and Mrs Millard were our judges for today and had a difficult decision due to the fantastic effort classes had made.

Mr Welsh presented 7P class and all the other classes with some lovely halloween…

15 Oct

10G’s Super Week

We have had another super busy week in 10G.

In English this week we have continued our Autumn theme and heard a story all about a sleepy acorn. We worked super hard and used Colourful Semantics to help us write sentences about the story. 

In Maths we have been working on our number bonds.…

11 Oct

10G Share their weekend news!

This morning 10G enjoyed sharing their weekend news with the rest of the class. They all showed very good speaking and listening skills and asked some amazing questions. We also loved looking at the photos that had been sent in. Well done 10G!

8 Oct

What a busy week in 10G

Wow, what a busy week we have had in 10G! 

This week in our P.E lesson we have been practicing our ball skills. To warm up we had to listen carefully to instructions all about changing direction, we did amazing! We all worked incredibly hard and did some super throwing and catching with…