21 Jul

Transition Days Maple Class 22-23

This week we have enjoyed coming together to meet our new friends and staff team as part of our transition onto Maple Class in September. Lots of us know each other already and we have also welcomed a new learner to Astley Park too and we look forward to her joining us full time.

Maple Class…

8 Jul

Another week in Beech class

Beech class have had another week full of summer fun!

We have enjoyed lots of colourful Attention Autism sessions using paints, glitters, confetti balloons and party poppers. In our sensory food exploration, we have tried some sweet treats and made angel delight. We also had a super time…

1 Jul

Exploring summer in Beech class

This week in Beech class we have enjoyed lots of summer themed activities.

In our attention autism sessions we have explored lots of summery themes including ice cream, rainbows, farm animals, and even Wimbledon!

We have also played with the parachute and tunnel outside, enjoyed spending…

24 Jun

Sports week in Beech

Beech class have had lovely sports week! 

We have made the most of the lovely weather and spent lots of time outdoors. We have had lots of fun playing with the ball games and rocket launchers on the sports court, and enjoyed dancing with cheerleader Pom-poms and twirling ribbons on the…

24 Jun

Being active in Chestnut Class!

Chestnut class have had a wonderful and active week and have taken part in lots of activities to develop our gross motor skills. We have been accessing the balance bikes and 3 wheelers and practising to navigate around the cones. We have enjoyed climbing and travelling at different heights on the…

17 Jun

Beech class rainbow week

In honour of our whole school Rainbow day celebrations, Beech have been exploring all things Rainbow this week! In our Attention Autism sessions, we have explored a different colour everyday using coloured water, foods, and other sensory mediums. 

In preparation for Friday’s Rainbow day parade,…

17 Jun

Chestnut Class Rainbow Week

Chestnut class have had a very colourful week as we have enjoyed lots of Rainbow themed activities as part of our Rainbow Day celebrations! We have enjoyed sharing photos of our families and finding them in the tuff tray. During Attention Autism sessions we have enjoyed creating our own flag for…

10 Jun

Chestnut class Summer 2, week 1

Welcome back Chestnut Class!


What a fantastic first week back we have had with all this glorious weather as we learn all about the beach and summer time! Chestnut class have enjoyed our new sensory story, ‘Sheldon Snail’s Sunbathing Sessions’ and learned about all the things we have to…

10 Jun

‘On the farm’ in Beech class

Beech class have had a super busy first week back! We have had lots of fun exploring our topic for this term ‘on the farm’. In our Attention Autism sessions, we have slid pigs down a mudslide, wheeled tractors through paint, and created sensory animals using shaving foam and flour. We have also…

5 Jun

Beech class’ celebrates Jubilee week

This week we have been looking at the British flag and the Queen getting ready for the jubilee celebrations. 
In our attention autism sessions we have made the British flag, looked at the photos of the Queen, made red white and blue cake and had flour shake activities. 
We have explored red,…

27 May

Chestnut Class fun at the fairground and celebrating the Jubilee

This week Chestnut class have been getting ready for Jubilee celebrations by creating our own special crown and adding jewels just like the Queen! We have been exploring the colours of the flag through Attention Autism and then decorated cakes for the special day using our fabulous communication…

20 May

We’ve Been Busy in Chestnut!

Over the previous couple of weeks Chestnut have continued to learn all about Houses and Homes. We have been learning about farm animals and their habitats and exploring/identifying their homes in the tuff tray. We have especially liked the mud, water and straw! We have been exploring measure- big…