25 Mar

Musical mayhem in Chestnut Class

Chestnut class have been listening and attending to lots of different musical instruments this half term. We have enjoyed the rainmaker and big drum and couldn’t wait to have a turn to repeat back the sounds we heard.  We have been recognising and identifying sounds of hidden instruments,…

9 Mar

Pirates in Beech class!

Ahoy there! In Beech class this week we have had lots of fun looking at all things pirates! 

We have explored lots of sea creatures, treasures, and pirate ships in sensory trays of cereal, water and sand.

In our attention autism sessions, we have sifted flour octopuses, practiced our numbers…

4 Mar

Beech class world book day

Beech class had a fun world book day. We bounced on the bouncy castle and knocked over the towers in the hall. We listened to the sensory story of the 3 little pigs and loved blowing the straw house down. We dressed up and played in straw, and bricks as well as having a pig sensory tray. What a…

3 Mar

Ahoy, me hearties! Pirate Fun in Chestnut Class

This half term Chestnut Class have been enjoying our new topic about Pirates. In our PE sessions we are focussing on developing our gross motor skills via Pirate themed activities. We haven’t just been ‘walking the plank’ we have been travelling along the plank in different ways including pulling…

3 Mar

World Book Day Fun in Chestnut Class

“I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!”

Chestnut Class have had wonderful World Book Day fun exploring the story of the Three Little Pigs and celebrating all of our favourite characters and stories. What a great turn out in class- we had a visit from Superman, Rex from Toy…

2 Mar

Pancake Tuesday in Chestnut Class

What a wonderful and very messy time we had in Chestnut Class on Shrove Tuesday. During Stage 2 Attention Autism we watched Miss Spear create a pancake mixture and in Stage 3 we took turns to flip a pancake! Chestnut Class have been working very hard on their turn taking skills which require them…

2 Mar

Chestnut Class learn all about Hinduism

Chestnut Class had a lovely virtual visit from Mrs Parekh and we learned all about her Hindu Faith. She chatted to us about her favourite Hindu festival - Holi and the Celebration of Colour and we talked about our class learning of Diwali and the Festival of Light and what we had explored in…

2 Mar

Pancake day and St David’s day in Beech Class!

Beech class had a very busy Tuesday this week celebrating Pancake day and St David’s day!

In honour of shrove Tuesday, we had lots of fun trying to flip and catch our pancakes in a frying pan! After squeezing some lemon juice and sprinkling some sugar on top, we all tasted the pancakes for our…

9 Feb

Beech class spring term

We have had a brilliant half term, lots of exploring, hard work and fun. We have been working hard at improving our independence, dressing , putting on coats, using cutlery, washing hands and toileting. We have been learning our numbers and letters and enjoying our nursery rhymes and songs. Well…

4 Feb

The Year of the Tiger - celebrating Chinese New Year in Chestnut Class

Chestnut Class have enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year! We have been using our communication skills to make requests for lots of delicious Chinese food including spring rolls, noodles made by Mrs Duxbury, rice and prawn crackers. We watched Miss Spear create a huge tiger and watched as the black…

3 Feb

Beech learn about mini beasts

Beech class have been busy exploring mini beasts, we have explored the bugs in the soil, spaghetti and sand. We had a lovely walk outside, and became big explorers, we took our tools, binoculars and magnifying glasses to see what bugs we could find outside, we looked in, on and under to see where…

2 Feb

Celebrating Chinese New Year in Beech Class!

Beech class had a lovely time on Tuesday celebrating Chinese New Year. To welcome in the year of the tiger, we mixed some orange paint and finger-painted some stripey tiger faces on paper plates. We tasted lots of Chinese snacks including fortune cookies, prawn crackers and noodles. In our sensory…