10G Back Together Again
10G have been incredibly busy this week. As well as practising our parenting skills and working on challenging gender stereotypes we have been very busy learning all about the human body, practising writing letters, developing our ICT skills, practising our maths skills and working on attacking…

9R Are Challenging Stereotypes
We used our 1:1 iPads and the Padlet app to answer some questions about stereotypes.The first thing we did was send Mrs Clarke a picture of a girls toy and then a boys toy.
We looked at some different jobs including, nurse, beautician, electrician, footballer and we wrote on our iPads who…

7A Build strong spaghetti towers and even stronger friendships
This week 7A worked on a spaghetti challenge in pairs. They had ten minutes to see who could build the tallest tower using spaghetti and playdough. Jake and Megan won the challenge and we discussed the team work skills they used to support winning the challenge such as good talking, helping each…

8R Be Internet Legends Assembly.
Today In school we were extremely lucky to be involved in a personalised assembly about internet safety delivered by Google Chrome. At 9 30 am we logged into a live assembly and were able to interact answering questions via a chat facility that Mr Murphy accessed for us. We listened to the…
Macmillan Coffee Morning 8R
Today we have been raising money in school for Macmillan Cancer Research by holding a virtual coffee morning. 8R have been busy making cakes for themselves to enjoy today and we held a Teams Quiz which some parents were able to join in via Teams Video Call. The quiz was made by the pupils who…

Guess Who? 7A
7A set their own avatars on Purple Mash today and then airdropped them to Mrs Crouch so that we could play a guess who game. Can you guess who is who?
You won't be-leaf how hard 7A have worked today!
Happy Thursday! As part of our "Our World" theme, 7A have been thinking about autumn today. We took part in an autumn yoga story where we thought about leaves falling off trees, harvest time, hibernation and rainy days. We then took part in an autumn themed attention autism. For stage 1, we…

Willow class learning from home- Summer week 1
Hello everyone!
We have had some good weather this week so I hope you have had a chance to spend some time in the sun with your families. Let’s have a look at what some of our class have been up to this week!
Liam, Jake, Owen, Hasan and Olivia all took part in our Easter egg decorating…
8R Safer Internet Day 2020
Today 8R looked at internet safety. Our class digital leader lead a session about creating our own avatar. This was to show how easy it was to pretend to be someone else on the internet. I wonder who can guess who's avatar belongs to who in our class? We looked at how we can keep ourselves safe on…
Thomas leads 7R's Safer Internet Day Lesson! #SaferInternetDay #freetobe
Yesterday we watched a video about Safer Internet Day (https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2020/i-am-educator/film-what-does-my-avatar-say-about-me). It told us to use avatars online to keep us safe. We should use avatars instead of our photos online. I helped…

11R Safer Internet Day
Today we have celebrated all things internet.
Our class Digital Leader stood spot light and delivered his lesson to his peers. Our digital leader has made massive progress with his social communications through this project and taught and supported his peers in making good choices when…

9G’s Safer Internet Day
9G have been very busy today for Safer Internet Day. Our super digital leader gave us some fun tasks to complete today. First we read an adaption of Goldilocks and how she used social media, highlighting how to stay safe online. We then watched a clip that told us how using a digital avatar can…