Happy Safer Internet Day from 11G!
Happy Safer Internet Day! 11G have had a lovely day learning all about how to stay safe online. First we filled out a quiz and worked out what we knew and what we still needed to learn about staying safe online. We then had to have a go at the safer Internet day quiz and work out what we would do…

Safer internet day in Willow Class
Today willow class have been learning about staying safe and kind on the internet for internet safety day!
We looked at how we can make kind choices on the internet to keep the internet a happy place and what to do if we see something unkind. We had a go at looking at all the things we can do…

11G new digital leader.
11g are pleased to announce that Faith became our new digital leader.
After doing an electronic application along with other candidates they where sent The Digital lead coordinator where all applicants where viewed , short listed . Congratulations on achieving digital lead for 11g .…

10G Show off their Skills
Another successful week in 10G.
This week has been very busy with PE, Maths and Science assessments. Everyone has worked very hard and had lots of fun showing the teachers their skills and knowledge.
We have also been continuing our Zones work and finding out what makes us all feel…

10G Rock their First Week in KS4
What a fantastic first week in 10G. We have been undertaking lots of fun activities to settle back into the school routine and get to know our new teachers.
We were very excited to get our 1-1 iPads and we had lots of fun exploring the different apps and personalising the Home Screen.
We made…

Working hard whilst Miss Brophy was away working hard.
This week Miss Brophy was away on a course so she left us lots of exciting work to do and Mr Murphy was lucky enough to spend a few days in our class to help us out. We researched facts about our Harry Potter house teams to use in our persuasive writing. We found out some really interesting facts…

10G learns how to whisper!
10G have been learning all about how to stay safe online and what we can do if we ever have any problems. Our digital leader had a very important meeting with Mrs Tolan all about whisper, what it is, how we use it and why we use it. He then helped to lead a session all about…

Digital Leader Luca teaches Willow class to stay safe online
In Willow class our digital leader is Luca and he was set a new project for this week by Mrs Tolan- teach his class how to use “Whisper”.
Whisper is an app on the school website where children can send messages to Mr Welsh or Mrs Patterson from home if they are worried about anything. They can…

10G goes on a technology hunt!
10G had a very busy afternoon yesterday. First we did an attention autism session and found the pictures of the different technical items in the flour. We then helped Miss Robertson to sort out which technical items we had in school, which belonged at home and which items we would find in the…

10G’s brilliantly busy week!
10G have had a super start to the summer term. They were all very happy to be back together again and enjoyed telling each other about what they had been up to over the Easter holidays. They enjoyed starting to learn how to play rounders in PE, learning about 2D and 3D shapes and…

10Gs final week at home
10G have had another busy week. We enjoyed learning a new story all about going to space on our TEAMS call and answering questions about it. We then got to tell each other all about what we had been up to at the weekend which was lots of fun. On Wednesday on our TEAMS call we looked at the posters…

One week closer to us all being together again 10G!
Wow 10G, what a great week you have had. You have all been working really hard this week and Miss Robertson, Mrs McShane and Mrs Jones are all very proud of you all. You have all been super busy learning all about the LGBTQ community and all about different families, same love. We all read a story…