Y11 Enterprise- Staff Tuck Shop
Our first staff tuck shop was a resounding success!
As part of our enterprise we have been learning about starting and running a small business! We’ve talked about all of the different roles involved- purchasing, advertising, finances etc.
Our tuck shop is open every Wednesday afternoon…

8P week 2 19/1/24
It has been a very snowy and cold week for 8P, but we have kept warm by getting involved in lots of activities.
A visit by a P.C.S.O. from our local Police force was extremely interesting. This was arranged as part of the ‘My Community’ curriculum - Employer encounters.
We were encouraged to…

Super sycamore week 3 !
This week the children have looked at the qualities in a good friend and together built a friendship wall . We then created a beautiful friendship wreath for our classroom door to show we are all different and each have our own qualities.
In our lesson with Mrs Lane this week we started a new…

The Halloween Disco!
Last night we had our Halloween disco! 11R and 11G have been busy getting ready for the past couple of weeks, choosing jobs and selling tickets. In the afternoon, 11R were busy finishing off some decorations for the hall, where we then joined 11G in decorating to make it nice and spooky for after…

11G Spring 2, week 5
11G have been busy finishing off their ASDAN work this week and tying up any loose ends. They have all worked extremely hard and we are so proud of them.
On Monday as always we caught up on weekend news, all the pupils had a busy weekend. Everyone was able to tell their friends what they…

Week 2 Spring 2 11G
On Monday 11G did some data collection on the staff car park. They looked at the different types of cars and counted and recorded each type.
On Tuesday we went on the school mini bus to Leighton Moss an RSPB nature reserve in Carnforth. The pupils were split up into groups and using their…

Week 5 11G
This week we have made some decorations for the Valentines Disco next week.We designed our own sponsor form for our sponsored swim on Tuesday. We visited the gym on Wednesday, our teachers are very proud of what we have achieved while we have been visiting the gym.
On Thursday we went to Asda…

Winter Wonderland Art Exhibition
Our Primary Phase absolutely loved welcoming parents and carers into school on Monday to celebrate the hard work our wonderful children have put into creating the Winter Wonderland Art Exhibition.
We all enjoyed celebrating our learners and all they have achieved throughout this festive season…

11G It’s Christmas!!,
It’s getting close to Christmas now and 11G are very busy with all their Asdan work.
On Monday we discussed our weekend news, everybody joined in and listened their friends and asked some super questions to find out more information.
Week 6 of our swimming lessons and everts is improving…

Willow class start enterprising!
In Willow class we enjoyed our DT topic making musical instruments last term. Miss Riley and the teachers were so impressed and could tell the children were ready for an enterprise project this term to put their planning and design skills to the test!
Our first enterprise project is looking at…

Happy Halloween from Year 11
Halloween Goody Bags and Disco!
A Massive Thank You to everyone who supported our recent ‘Fundraising for Prom’ events!
We made over £250 towards our end of year prom!
And whilst this is amazing we were also ticking valuable boxes off our ASDAN qualification- working as a group- we had to…

Week 4 in 11G
We’ve been very busy this week in 11G. On Monday we celebrated Charlie’s16th birthday, we sang to him and had a chocolate caterpillar cake.
On Tuesday we talked about personal hygiene and the importance of keeping our mouths and teeth clean and healthy. We all brushed our teeth with our own…