26 Nov

5 currant buns

Beech class have been enjoying the 5 currant bun song, we have been exploring the numbers 1 to 5 and some great counting and using our number names. We have had fun in the currant bun shop and have been taking away the currant buns and seeing how many were left.

We also baked our own buns with…

19 Nov

Old MacDonald in Chestnut Class

A Rhyme in Time-Old MacDonald 

Chestnut Class 2021

This week we have been exploring Old MacDonalds Farm and learning all about his animals. We have retold the rhyme in the sensory tuff tray using masks and small world toys, identifying animals and the noises they make! During Maths we…

19 Nov

Friendship week in Beech

The pictures say it all! Happy friendship week

18 Nov

Friendship Week in Chestnut Class

This week in Chestnut Class we have been learning all the wonderful ways we can be a good friend through positive interactions. We have had so much fun in class; being active together on the balance bikes and having fun together in our swim session. We wore odd socks and decorated pictures of…

12 Nov

Children in Need Day in Chestnut Class

Chestnut class have had an amazing time working on our number and communication skill all while raising lots of money to change young lives by fundraising for BBC Children in Need! We have created spotty biscuits, decorated pictures of Pudsey using spots and focussing on our joint attention skills…

12 Nov

Humpty Dumpty in Chestnut Class

This week we have been learning Humpty Dumpty. We have been exploring the sensory trays, retelling parts of the rhyme through play and Attention Autism and having fun with eggs! We have been focussing on our communication skills by making choices, taking turns, following instructions  in play and…

12 Nov

Remembrance Day in Chestnut Class

Chestnut Class have been learning about the importance of Remembrance Day and Flanders Field through Attention Autism -Stages 1,2 and 3. During Stage 2 we watched Miss Spear sprinkle black sand, seeds and water onto card and then watched as red poppies were dropped on the top. Lots of Poppies grew…

11 Nov

Beech Rememberance Day

Beech class had a lovely time making their own poppy using lots of sensory experiences and tools. 
We also enjoyed exploring the sensory poppy tray, lots of red.


11 Nov

Humpty Dumpty and all things egg

Beech class have had a very exciting week exploring Humpty Dumpty, we have enjoyed singing the song and acting out the actions using our small world tray. We had an amazing explore of real eggs watching Mrs Barrand rolling eggs down the ramp, would they smash and break like Humpty Dumpty. We then…

6 Nov

Chestnut Class - Bonfire Night

On Friday Chestnut Class enjoyed exploring bonfire night and fireworks through colours, artwork, Attention Autism and food. We have been focussing on using our fabulous communication skills throughout our learning to engage, make choices and comment on our own learning. We created firework…

6 Nov

Chestnut Class learning- A rhyme in time - Incy Wincy Spider

This half term we are learning traditional rhymes through play, songs and Attention Autism. This week we have been enjoying Incy Wincy Spider and retelling the story through play. During Attention Autism Stage 3 we explored taking turns to pour blue rice down a drain pipe to ‘wash the spider out’…

6 Nov

Diwalli in Chestnut Class

This week in Chestnut Class we have been learning about Diwalli and the Festival of Light through Attention Autism, music, food, creating Diyas and expressive art. During Attention Autism Stage 1 we enjoyed looking at all the lights and coloured ribbons and during Stage 2 Miss Spear created a…