Willow class w.c. 22.01.23
Willow class had a fantastic week last week, we are so proud of the progress they are making!
We started the week with some P.E. where we developed our striking and fielding skills in rounders. We practiced a throwing skills and our aim as we threw balls into hoops with our partners. We then…

Sycamore’s Sparkler Safety Session
This morning in Sycamore Class we have discussed and put into practice ‘Sparkler Safety’
Our rules to follow to stay safe:
- Wear gloves
- Keep lit sparklers at arms length
- Don’t put the sparkler on the floor
- Keep 2 metres away from other people
- An adult needs to light the…

Earth Day in Maple Class
Last week Maple Class enjoyed the sensory story of Oliver’s Vegetables (a story about a little boy who only liked to eat chips!) Oliver visits his Grandpa’s garden to look for potatoes to make his favourite meal but finds lots of other vegetables which he tastes and really enjoys! Finally by the…

Bonfire Night Safety in Sycamore
This half term, Mrs Crouch will be teaching The World About Me in Sycamore Class on Thursday mornings. As part of the class theme, All Around The World, we will be learning all about festivals. Today we learnt about how to keep safe on Bonfire Night.
One group worked with Mr Flavell in the…

Green means go!
This week Oak Class’ core word was ‘Go!’ Pupils responded to ready, steady, go across contexts including on the bikes.
We have also been studying Handa’s Surprise through song and sensory trays. Some beautiful artwork has been produced by expressing colour and media choices. Some of the boys…

Money magic maths & Eggstravagant Easter crafts !
This week the children have done some magnificent money work in maths. The children used role play to work in small groups visiting the shop, selecting games and items of different amounts . Each child had £10 to spend , when selecting items from the shop they was able to work out weather or not…

7a get busy to celebrate the special ladies in our lives !
This week in 7 a we have been busy making some special treats to thank the special ladies around us. Some children decided to make their gifts for their mums , grandmas , aunties and sisters. At the start of the week the class used different materials and colours to mix up some lovely scented soap…

7a subtraction superstars !
This week in maths 7a have been working really hard with subtraction. The have been able to use number lines to work out subtraction equations up to 20. Some of the children worked in small groups and others independently. The teachers were super impressed with our subtraction superstars this…

oak went for a story in the deep dark wood…
Some of oak class went for a story in the forest school area today. They did great walking to the forest school circle and sat on benches whilst Miss Hothersall read a story of ‘The Gruffalo’ with props. We all had a biscuit and then went on a hunt where we found all the characters from the story…

8G's Big Summer Catch up!
8G’s Big Catch Up!
Hello parents, carers, pupils and followers. Sorry it has been a while since we last pushed out some fresh 8G content, but we have just been to busy.
I’d like to start off by giving a heart felt thank you and good by to our Teaching assistant Miss Pilkington who left…

9R Are Taking Care of Their Mental Health
This week has been Mental Health week and the theme is nature.
We have looked at what mental health is and things we can do to stay healthy.
Sarah said everyone has mental health and it’s keeping your body and brain healthy.
Mrs Cobham made each of us a heart and we attached a label to it…

Winter well-being - grab your wellies!
With rain pouring down outside and stay at home orders in place it’s more important than ever to look after our well-being. A blast of fresh air can do wonders for your mental well-being, getting your body moving and lifting your mood.
There’s lots of fun things that you can be doing outside…