11 Sep

Welcome Back 8A

8A have had a great first week back. Everyone has settled into our new classroom, we have a new outside area with beanbags that we can chill and relax on and lots of fun activities that we can enjoy outside. We have played lots of games. We have learnt about how we are feeling and zones we are in…

10 Sep

10G Rock their First Week in KS4

What a fantastic first week in 10G. We have been undertaking lots of fun activities to settle back into the school routine and get to know our new teachers. 
We were very excited to get our 1-1 iPads and we had lots of fun exploring the different apps and personalising the Home Screen.

We made…

14 Jul

10Gs Courageous Calvert Trust Part 1

10G had a fantastic time at Calvert Trust. On the Monday we all had a lovely chat at school and got all of our things ready to go. Then we got to stop off at McDonald’s on the way for our lunch which was a lovely treat. Once we arrived at Calvert Trust we unpacked our suitcases and had a lovely…

25 Jun

10G’s Sports Week!


Wow, what a busy week you have all had 10G. This week has been sports week in Astley Park School. We have taken part in a variety of different activities and had so much fun trying them out. This week we have done the egg and spoon race, football and rugby, orienteering, the rainbow run…

9 Jun

10G learns about leisure time!


This half term we are learning all about how to make the most of our leisure time as part of our ASDAN curriculum. Yesterday we all had a chat about what we thought this topic would be about and came up with some fantastic suggestions such as: bowling, swimming, running, playing games,…

28 May

Newman Newbies

We went on the bus to Cardinal Newman College. When we got there we met two teachers and they showed us the classroom. We were given Virtual Reality headsets and went on a virtual tour of the college. We also looked at different animals and virtual scenes from around the planet.

We went to the…

21 May

11R - Dig Deeper into Emotions

11R explore their inner critic and inner coach as well as expected and unexpected behaviours. We were given different phrases such as, 'I can do this' - 'I'm not good enough' and we had to decide whether they were positive and linked to our inner coach or negative and linked to our inner…

14 May

7A connect with nature and complete a Tik Tok Challenge!

For Mental Health Awareness week we have worn green and embraced nature. This morning in nurture time we chose between going for a walk, planting a seed, cloud watching via YouTube or nature colouring. We all felt very relaxed at the end of the session. 

At lunch break we went for another walk.…

14 May

Mental health awareness week in 10G!


Well done 10G what a super week you have all had. This week we have been looking at how we can take care of our mind/mental health. We talked about the fact that to keep our bodies healthy we have to also keep our minds healthy. We practised meditation, yoga and had a hot drink and chat about…

14 May

11R Connect with Themselves, Each Other and Nature

11R fully engaged in all activities over the week. We examined what mental health was and addressed any misconceptions. We spent time looking at fixed and growth mindsets and what it looked/felt like for others as well as ourselves. We discussed scenarios of when we had used our growth mindset and…

14 May

Happy Eid from 10G!

Happy Eid everyone! 10G have had a lovely time this week learning all about Eid. First we all had a chat about what we thought Eid was and what religion celebrated it. Then we watched a video of children explaining all about what Eid is and learnt some fantastic facts about it such as the fact…

13 May

Mental Health Awareness Week in Sycamore!

Sycamore have been exploring activities this week to help them think about their feelings and the choices that they make. 


We have been enjoying circle times and talking about feelings and what makes us ‘happy’ or ‘sad’. We have also been talking about what we can do to make us happy and…