3 Mar

8A Celebrate St David's Day

On Tuesday it was 1st March, which meant that it was St David’s Day. In 8A we learnt about who St David was and why people in Wales like to celebrate on 1st March. We found out that the people of Wales like to march in parades, sing and play music and dance too. Lots of people (especially…

23 Feb

8A My Creativity- Making sculptures out of clay

8A are continuing to learn about Sculptures in their art work this half term (as part of our Spring theme Our Planet). 

This week we learnt that sculptures can be made of any sort of material, but that the most common ones are metal, stone and clay.

To link to the Our Planet theme, we…

2 Feb

Making sculptures in 8A

As part 8A's Our Planet theme this half term, 8A have been learning about Sculptures as part of their My Creativity work. 

Each week, we have focused on a different artist and this week it was Barbara Hepworth. In previous weeks we have learnt about Marc Quinn who liked to make sculptures of…

10 Dec

8A Christmas Party and Secret Santa

We've had a crazy busy few weeks in 8A these last few weeks.

Last week, Megan had the brilliant idea that we could all take part in a Secret Santa; everyone chose a name out of a hat and then they needed to buy their "secret" friend a present. Mrs Crouch suggested we could all go into town to…

12 Aug

Holiday Heroes Group 2 Week 3

What a busy week Group 2 have had this week!

On Tuesday we were really lucky to have the Creepy Crawly Roadshow come to visit us. The lady brought lots of wriggly friends with her, we enjoyed taking it in turns to hold or touch them. We were all very brave!

In the afternoon we played on the…

10 Aug

Holiday Heroes Week 2 Group 2

On Tuesday we went swimming to Nye Bevan Swimming Pool where we had lots of fun in the pool, splashing and playing.

When we came back to school we had lunch and played on the scooter boards in the hall. We finished the day in the sensory room where we relaxed ready to go home.

On Thursday we…

13 Jul

7A Celebrate Belated Year 6 Graduation!

This morning Mr Welsh surprised the pupils in 7A with a belated Graduation celebration.

We all went over to the Moving On building and had our photos taken with our caps and gowns on. Then Mr Welsh treated us to some lovely gift bags filled with goodies to take home.

A big thank you to Mr…

5 Jul

7A Summer Term Week 11

It has been assessment week in 7A this week so we have all been working hard to complete our assessments and mastering our Personalised Learning Goals.

This week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning we have been practicing our Maths skills in My Thinking and Problem Solving- completing our…

25 Jun

7A Get Active for Sports Week!

Here is what 7A have got up to this week for Sports Week!


Monday was our first day of Sports Week. We got off to a fantastic start by joining in with a warm up with Mrs McDonnell on Teams. We all stood up and followed her lead, she kept us wanting more so when she finished Connor and Josh…

7 Jun

7A’s first day on Residential

7A have had a very exciting day today! We arrived at the Anderton Centre after dinner and listened to a very important safety talk so that we knew what we need to do if we hear a fire alarm. Then it was time to check in, can you believe that we had to make our own beds! It was very interesting…

19 May


7A have been extremely lucky today! After our visit to the Anderton Centre this morning, Daniel's Mum very kindly offered to buy the pupils and staff a chippy lunch to celebrate Daniel's birthday last week.

7A are very grateful for this act of kindness and have made Daniel's Mum a lovely card…

30 Apr

7A Show Racism the Red Card

7A pupils wore red today to mark the Show Racism the Red Card day.

On Wednesday, Mrs Fisher worked with small groups as part of My Community to talk about why people have different coloured skin. We looked at a new word “melanin” and talked about how it is like a curtain that protects our skin…