3 Dec

St Andrew’s Day Chestnut Class

On Wednesday 30th November Chestnut Class celebrated St Andrew’s Day! We learned that St Andrew  was a friend of Jesus and was there when Jesus fed lots of people with just 5 loaves and 2 fish. We have explored water play and caught our own fish this week, created Scottish flags using different…

2 Dec

8A have fun on the new playground

8A had a brilliant time on the playground this afternoon. We hope it’s dry tomorrow for more fun in golden time! 


2 Dec

Maple Class Celebrate St Andrew’s Day!

On Tuesday we celebrated St Andrew’s day in remembrance of Scotland’s patron saint who was known for helping the less fortunate. 

Miss Howarth did an attention autism, from the bucket she pulled out a whoopee cushion which made a noise a bit like a bag pipe when sat on. Next we watched a video…

1 Dec

St Andrews Day in Oak

In oak class we learnt about St Andrews day.
We started by attending to an attention autism where Miss H made a big Scottish flag and then we took turns in a fishing game to make sure we caught all the fish.

we then worked together to make a big Scottish flag using blue and white tissue paper…

30 Nov

St Andrew’s Day in 11R

Today in 11R we have learned so much about St Andrew the patron saint of Scotland. We started with word searches and crosswords which introduced us to some new words. Then we watched the story of St Andrew and did some guided reading from a Powerpoint. Some of us did a sequencing activity to help…

30 Nov

10G Celebrate St Andrew's Day

Today we celebrated St Andrew’s Day in class. We learnt all about who St Andrew was and why he was so important. We also talked about how St Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland and had a look at what the Scottish flag looks like. We enjoyed exploring the continuous provision activities around…

30 Nov

Celebrating St Andrews Day in 11G

We were all excited today in 11G for two reasons- tomorrow we can officially start to talk about Christmas and today we were going to learn all about St Andrew.

At the beginning of the lesson we really didn’t know very much about the patron saint of Scotland, but after listening to a…

24 Nov

St Andrew’s Day Celebrations at Astley Park School!

On Tuesday 30th November, we will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day in classes. Some classes will be celebrating this through sensory play with water, some will be focusing on the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, whilst others while be exploring the life of St Andrew using information…

6 Nov

Diwalli in Chestnut Class

This week in Chestnut Class we have been learning about Diwalli and the Festival of Light through Attention Autism, music, food, creating Diyas and expressive art. During Attention Autism Stage 1 we enjoyed looking at all the lights and coloured ribbons and during Stage 2 Miss Spear created a…

5 Nov

Sporty 10G

WOW! It's only our first week back after half term and what a busy week we've had.

This week we have been to All Seasons Leisure Centre for our P.E session. This half term we are learning basketball skills. We thoroughly enjoyed our session and had lots of fun playing games, such as 'Monster…

5 Nov

7P Celebrate Diwali and Bonfire Night

7P have settled in very well after their half term holidays. It was great to talk about what they had all been up to and look at pictures too!

This week 7P have been learning about Diwali through My Thinking and Problem Solving and My Communication. Learners in 7P have shown that they can…

5 Nov

Beech class celebrate Diwali and Bonfire night

Beech class has been looking at all of the colours for Diwali, we had a lovely sensory tray with lots of colourful sand and glitter. We made a glittery candle to celebrate the festival of light, and we had some Indian music and dancing on the screen to watch too. 
For Bonfire night we melted…