28 Jan

10G Celebrate Chinese New Year (plus the rest of Spring term Week 4)

Hello everyone, I have to say that this week has just been “one of those weeks”. You know the ones where everything seems to go to pot or go wrong?! But hey ho, we have made it to the end in one piece!

On Monday morning, we learnt one of our signs of the week was “Year of the Rabbit”, as it…

27 Jan

Sycamore celebrates Chinese New Year

What a very exciting day! Sycamore enjoyed an Attention Autism session, we all sat together and helped Miss Molloy as she began to create a rabbit with red and orange paint it was very messy and fun! We then talked about why Miss Molloy made a rabbit and we found out that the Chinese New Year is…

26 Jan

Willow learn about Sikhism for World Religion Week!

Last week was World Religion Week in school and Willow class got to learn about Sikhism alongside their daily learning and curriculum activities. 

On Monday, we explored different foods popular in the Sikhism culture, using our senses. 

On Wednesday we cooked special recipes that are popular…

26 Jan

Chinese New Year in Rowan Class

We had lots of fun celebrating Chinese New Year in Rowan Class, this year is the year of the rabbit.

We made some great Chinese lanterns, practiced Dragon dancing, tasted noodles and spring rolls and made the sign for "rabbit".

Kung Hei Fat Choy all!


26 Jan

Sycamore explore Sikhism

Sycamore class have been exploring Sikhism. We really enjoyed exploring The 5 Ks during our continuous provision play. We explored some beautiful fabrics, bracelets and clothing and we really enjoyed the pictures of Gurus and the temple


22 Jan

World Religion Week 8A

This week was World Religion Week and 8A found out lots of things related to Hinduism. Some of the class were able to join 7A on a trip to the Hindu Temple in Preston. We found out about the different gods and were able to look around the beautiful temple.

Our community based trips also…

20 Jan

7A World Religion 20/1/23

This week 7A have been celebrating and learning all about Hinduism as part of World Religion week.

We visited a Hindu Temple in Preston where we were able to walk around, looking at the displays and learning more about their way of life . This was a very interesting visit and we all learnt a…

20 Jan

Governor’s Class visit to Maple

I visited Maple Class on 17th January as part of the Governor- Class partnership and Religious Education Week. I spent time with the wonderful learners and hard working staff in Maple as they explored the Islamic Faith. Myself,  Mrs Smith and a small group of learners made delicious sweets…

20 Jan

RE Week in Maple Class

Maple Class have had a fantastic week exploring the Islamic Faith through Attention Autism, dress up, creative work, cooking and music. We have tasted traditional foods and made sweets eaten at Eid using our fabulous communication skills to make requests, follow instructions and take turns. We…

20 Jan

World religion week in Beech Class

Beech class have been super busy this week!

Continuing our “Very Hungry Caterpillar topic”, we have practiced our chopping skills to make cucumber and tomato caterpillars and made some caterpillar hats!

For world religion week we have been exploring Christianity. We enjoyed preparing and…

19 Jan

Rowan Class explore Islam

For World Religion Week Rowan Class have been exploring Islam.

We have looked at different Mosques and what is inside them. We listened to call to prayer and tasted dates.

Some of us practiced Mehndi patterns and made a crescent moon and star mobile.

We all really enjoyed the jigsaws and…

18 Jan

Gujarat Hindu Temple visit

8P visited the Hindu temple this morning with our friends from 7P. 
Our host showed us each shrine in the temple, telling stories about each God  that was represented in each shrine. We also had the opportunity to explore some of the artwork in the temple and Chris found an interesting new…